Updating Media is only available to those who have a SportsEngine Website.
You must be the Team's Creator or assigned Team Manager privileges to moderate media through the SportsEngine mobile app.
The following options are available when moderating a Team Photo or Video:
Approve - Approve photos so they might be visible to the entire team. This function is only available if your organization has set this as a requirement for your team.
Edit - Edit the "Caption" of a photo. You may perform this function before or after approval.
Delete - Remove a photo from the team gallery. The image will no longer appear to any teammates.
Approve a Team Photo/Video
From the Home tab, select the "Team" you wish to manage.
Tap Gallery > All Photos and Videos.
Select the not yet approved media.
Tap the three dots icon > Approve.
Edit a Team Photo/Video
From the Home tab, select the "Team" you wish to manage.
Tap Galery > All Photos & Videos.
Select the "Media" you wish to manage.
In the upper-right corner, tap the three-dots icon.
Tap Edit.
Make all desired changes to the caption.
Once satisfied, tap the Checkmark.
Delete a Team Photo/Video
From the Home tab, select the "Team" you wish to manage.
Tap Galery > All Photos & Videos.
Select the "Photo" you wish to manage.
In the upper-right corner, tap the three-dots icon.
Tap Delete.
Tap Delete to confirm.